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  1. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    We met an older doctor and his wife at a nude resort on Bonaire, a nice older couple our age. Said they decided they had to stay together since neither one of them was willing to take the kids.
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Dearelliot
      I guess that should have been "were willing"
      Dearelliot, Jun 24, 2020
    2. msman
      Means the same thing.
      msman, Jun 25, 2020
    3. cirdellin
      Were willing is the subjunctive case and is correct but also disappearing from the language.
      cirdellin, Jun 25, 2020
    4. Dearelliot
      Thank you, Was sounded a bit odd, but maybe common usuage.
      Dearelliot, Jun 25, 2020
    5. cirdellin
      As time goes by the subjunctive is slowly disappearing. Kids and teenagers don’t seem to use it at all anymore.
      cirdellin, Jun 25, 2020
  2. PurpleMistress

    PurpleMistress Mysteriously Seductive

    Dec 14, 2019
    I am thankful my parents got divorced. Firstly because they were miserable and horrible to each other (hell, they still are and it's been 35 years)
    Secondly because I wouldn't have my sisters if they had stayed together.
    I took my parents bad example- they are both really crappy parents in general- and have tried to do the opposite in my parenting and my marriage.
    I feel it's worked well for us. Our kids are happy and well adjusted. We've been together 23 years and are happy, which in this day and age is almost unheard of.

    I am a firm believer that the parents have to be happy and take care of themselves to be the most effective in raising their kids. The kids are better off if mom and dad can find happiness away from each other.
    • Like Like x 3
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    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. bigbird
      Yep actually same for me - I spend every day trying not to be like my dad
      bigbird, Jun 24, 2020
  3. Braxton.B

    Braxton.B Poontang Connoisseur

    Dec 10, 2019
    When I told my 2 sons me and their mom were divorcing they both laughed and said, I don't why you stayed with her as long as you did.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    I have been divorced several times. I think I am a much better judge on what is going on in my life than someone on the outside looking in. I didn't need permission from anyone to get divorced.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. A Virgin's Fantasies

    A Virgin's Fantasies Sex Machine

    Feb 20, 2013
    My mom made your exact decision and called it quits except the household was a toxic mess unlike your cold-house description. The divorce broke my heart and made me feel very bad as a sensitive child, I felt jealous of all my friends having both their parents together because I didnt really know how it was like or what was normal anymore but what I was living wasnt. My dad remarried and I had a literal evil stepmom ruining my relationship with him completely even after he divorced her.. my mom did her best but the missing spot remained and will always remain in my life and thus daddy issues and mommy issues but this has to do with people having children with partners they aren't compatible with in the beginning. They have no idea how much their fights and divorce and passive aggressiveness ruined and broke me as an individual. I wish more people would think twice before getting married or having children. Was the divorce a right choice? Yes. Did it fuck me up anyway? Yes. I hope your son grows up doing better than I did.. ♡
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. Cherrypop
      I’m sorry you went through this. My ex and I are very careful to be civil and polite and we never bad mouth each other to our son. I openly support my ex and his gf, and I make sure I’m careful to never put her down. We are also very casual about when and where he spends his time between us. He goes to our places mostly based on his father’s schedule. He’s a cop so he does a lot of shift work. We also let our son have a say. If he wants to hang out with his dad and go camping, I never say no because it’s “my weekend”. We respect his wishes and his relationships with each of us. He is very well adjusted and happy, and I think we’ve done a good job overall. It also helps that some of his friends have divorced parents too.
      Cherrypop, Jun 25, 2020
      Cazmodius, Wazzaox, bigbird and 3 others like this.
  6. Bron Zeage

    Bron Zeage I am a river to my people

    Dec 3, 2014
    Staying together "for the kids" is just one factor out of many that needs to be considered, and it's one of the the weakest. Children need to be in a place that feels safe and secure. Sometimes this means separating the adults in the family.

    I remember a story about a couple in their 90s, been married 75 years and wanted a divorce. The judge asked why they waited so long. The man says, We were waiting for the children to die."
    • Like Like x 4
  7. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Is it possible that there is a sense of guilt in deciding to divorce when there are children involved and that some are looking for validation from others to assuage that guilt?

    Even strangers on a porn forum will do?
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Cherrypop
      We are done here. Clear?
      Cherrypop, Jun 25, 2020
      BigSuzyB likes this.
    3. cirdellin
      So, you have a friend experiencing difficult life decisions and your first thought was to see what strangers on a pornography forum thought. That wouldn’t have been my go to but everyone is different.
      cirdellin, Jun 25, 2020
    4. cirdellin
      Do whatever you want. I have no control over your decisions. The ignore button is always an option so I’m unclear about why you don’t use it with me. But again everyone is different.
      cirdellin, Jun 25, 2020
    5. Cherrypop
      Sigh. You make it sound like nobody here has any value. They are real people with real lives and their experiences are worth sharing and knowing about.
      Cherrypop, Jun 25, 2020
    6. cirdellin
      Thought you said you were done. So why are you continuing to respond?

      Yes there are several people of value on the forum that I consider trustworthy but I would never share so much personal stuff with the forum at large. But that’s me.
      cirdellin, Jun 25, 2020
  8. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    I wonder if anyone ever openly admits guilt.
    Generally it manifests in anger and denial, at least publicly.
    1. Cazmodius
      Im a cheater and an ass, but i still love my wife, and the kids we have. I may have transgressions in my past, and may have considering leaving my wife when things got rough. But she has stuck with me through all my crap. So, i should make the same commitment to do so for her. If we ever get to a point where we need to go our separate ways, then im sure, at that point, it'll be a mutual split.

      There, open enough for ya?
      And @Cherrypop wasn't wrong for seeking opinions on a porn forum. I've done the same, and on chat forums. Sometimes we all need an unbiased third party opinion. There's nothing wrong in that. Im sure you've sought council from others before, regardless of how you interact with or know them.
      Cazmodius, Jun 26, 2020
  9. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    I'm guilty of having a little dick....ya wanna see my dick?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Certainly no evidence of anger in you :)
  11. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    Just a happy go lucky type of mother fucker I am.

    An Ole country boy tryin to get along.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. 1 Toy Maker

    1 Toy Maker Kuns og Kram Smukke Love once found never lost

    Sep 17, 2013
    My wife is unstable and when she comes unhinged is abusive. There isn't much that can be done about her instability but I can stop the abuse if I'm there.
    • Empathize Empathize x 2
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. Cherrypop
      With all the other words you could have used, parroting mine implies you were directing your comment to me. It’s like a thing. But thank you for clearing up the confusion.
      Cherrypop, Jun 26, 2020
    3. Sweetpassion
      Parroting your words? Well, that was not at all what i was doing. I was simple making a point using the same words that went along with what i was saying. It is not a "thing". I guess it is to you.
      Sweetpassion, Jun 26, 2020
    4. Cherrypop
      Me: “That’s a very valid reason to stay.”
      You: “Does anyone really need to judge if your reasons are valid?”

      I’m sure you can see why I thought you meant me. Not that it matters if you did.
      Cherrypop, Jun 26, 2020
    5. Sweetpassion
      No, not really. Since it was very clear. I am also well aware of what i have written. No need for you to point it out. I am done responding though. This is pure nonsense.
      Sweetpassion, Jun 26, 2020
    6. Cherrypop
      It usually is.
      Cherrypop, Jun 26, 2020
  13. clive pickering

    clive pickering Porn Star

    Mar 16, 2016
    My mam & dad stayed together for the dog ... :bag:
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. msman
      I used to know a man who was going to change his dog food over to sawdust.
      He told me that every time he got to nearly all sawdust the damn dog ran away.
      msman, Jun 25, 2020
  14. johnrael

    johnrael Porn Star

    Jan 21, 2019
    I've changed my mind about this over the years. Being a child of divorce myself, I used to think the parents should be made to stay together. But over the years I've changed my mind on this. When the relationship between the parents is dysfunctional, it's probably better to divorce. Especially in cases of abuse or violence -- one parent is way better than no parents -- but also in the less severe cases of relationships not working. Because kids pick up on that.

    I will say that an awful lot depends on how the parents handle things after the divorce. A cordial working relationship between the parents regarding the kids is absolutely essential. Sometimes that's just not possible and it can't be helped, but the children will suffer for it, so the parent that has custody has to be prepared for it.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    We definitely live in a disposable world. The early part of falling in love is tingly and exciting and of course we never want it to end. When it grows cold we wish to chuck it and move on and we make excuses that it’s best for the children. Of course this is selfish and were we to make an effort to allow the relationship to evolve into something more mature we would find greater fulfillment but that’s too much work. We just want the fun feelings. (The word jejune comes to mind) I find this adolescent at best in a world starving for adults who cannot be found very easily anymore.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    1. Cherrypop
      What does a “more mature” relationship look like?
      Cherrypop, Jun 27, 2020
  16. msman

    msman Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 18, 2010
    I had one wife who had killed one of her husbands and stabbed another husband.
    She then killed a man she was supposed to marry.
    The second time she tried to kill me I got the hint.
    I divorced her.
    Do you think I did the right thing?
    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. msman
      Later she married the reporter that took pictures of her dead husband. They moved to Tennessee and bought a large newspaper. Soon after that when she would open a drawer or look in the medicine cabinet she would see a big glossy picture of her dead husband. When she got someone to come over and look they would not find any pictures. After a while of this happening she hid behind the front door and when he came in she stabbed him with a butcher knife. While he was in the hospital they found the pictures he had hidden. He didn't prss charges against her as he would go to jail also. They owned a lot of money for the newspaper and he found out there was a law that said if either one of them were declared insane they would not have to pay the money.
      msman, Jun 26, 2020
    3. msman
      When we were getting a divorce she met a man quite a bit younger that wanted to marry her. She didn't really want to so he said he was going to kill me if she didn't. He had already told his parents if she didn't marry him he was going to kill himself. She shot him with a sawed off 12 gage. Police decided it was suicide.

      The tried to run over me with her car but I was too fast and she ran into the garage.
      Then she tried to shoot me but I had emptied her gun when she wasn't looking and it clicked.
      msman, Jun 26, 2020
    4. conroe4
      HOLY SHIT DUDE!!! My initial assessment was spot on. You shoulda never had anything to do with her.
      What a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!

      Didn't they do fingerprinting on the weapon?
      conroe4, Jun 26, 2020
    5. msman
      No reason to do any real investigation. The first man was a couple of blacks from their house in the car by himself with a gun laying right beside him. The other man had already told his parents he was going to kill himself if she wouldn't marry him.

      When she got mad she didn't have any filter. I was with her one time when another x-husband made her mad. She emptied her little pistol at him but he was moving fast and she didn't hit him.
      That was in my wilder days.
      msman, Jun 26, 2020
  17. conroe4

    conroe4 Lake Lover In XNXX Heaven

    Nov 26, 2006
    Yeah, I'd run. NOT WALK - RUN.

  18. Heywood123

    Heywood123 Porn Star

    May 2, 2014
    As parents we can only do what we think is best. There’s no manual there’s no set rules we need to make it up as we go. I think as long as people put children first, things tend to work out. regardless if parents stay together or not, it’s 2020 the image of the nuclear family has many shapes and sizes these days. Divorce is not the end of the world, it’s when people begin to use children against their ex’s that everything backfires and goes sideways. In other words you get what you get, be true to yourselves and always think of the children and their needs as individuals not an extension of yourself just because they came out of your ball bag or womb.
    • Like Like x 2
  19. gammaXray

    gammaXray Porn Star

    Jun 24, 2013
    My Parents stayed together way too long. I don't believe it was because of us kids. They just didn't know how to end it. I was 16 when they finally divorced. It didn't bother my older brother or myself. But my 11 yr. old sister was deeply injured !!
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. johnrael
      I've read that the ages from 8 to 12 are the most vulnerable, in the event of divorce. I was 10.
      johnrael, Jun 27, 2020
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007

    In modern America, the correlation between high crime rates and poverty has a great deal to do with the proliferation of single-parent, father-absent households. According to the U.S Census, in 2008 the poverty rate for single parents with children was 35.6%; the rate for married couples with children was 6.4%. For white families in particular, the corresponding two-parent and single-parent poverty rates were 21.7% and 3.1%, respectively. For Hispanics, the figures were 37.5% and 12.8%, and for blacks, 35.3% and 6.9%. According to Robert Rector, a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “the absence of marriage increases the frequency of child poverty 700 percent” and thus constitutes the single most reliable predictor of a self-perpetuating underclass.

    Children in single-parent households are burdened not only with profound economic disadvantages, but are also far likelier to eventually get into trouble with the law. As a Heritage Foundation analysis notes, youngsters raised by single parents, as compared to those who grow up in intact married homes, are much more likely to be physically abused; to be treated for emotional and behavioral disorders; to smoke, drink, and use drugs; to behave aggressively and violently; to engage in criminal activity; and to be arrested for a juvenile crime. According to the National Fatherhood Initiative, 60% of rapists, 72% of adolescent murderers, and 70% of long-term prison inmates are men who grew up in fatherless homes.

    1. Cherrypop
      There’s a difference between a “fatherless home” and not having a father. A couple who splits but is co-parenting and providing a stable and loving home life for their child does not fall under this data. There are so many variables, that you can’t slap a statistic on it and make it so. I’m proof of this. My son is better than ever and not turning to a life of crime and drug abuse lol. We are not poor and he wants to be a cop when he grows up. Each situation is dependent on the people involved.
      Cherrypop, Jun 27, 2020
      gammaXray likes this.